Senior Max Hartman

Hartman’s prediction before the finale:
A: I thought Genevieve was going to win, but I’m not sure if anyone is going to win.
Q: What has your favorite part of the season been?
A: My favorite part has been Clayton making bad mistakes recently. It’s been very entertaining.
Q: Did you like the finale?
A: It was a good finale even though the season was underwhelming and Clayton was not the best bachelor.
Q: Was your prediction correct?
A: Sort of because he left the show alone, but he’s with Susie now.
Spanish Teacher Laura Robbins

Robbins’ prediction before the finale:
A: I think nobody will be picked because Clayton has been confused lately.
Q: What has your favorite part of the season been?
A: The crazy girls and drama this season has been the most entertaining part.
Q: Did you like the finale?
A: It was dramatic and shocking because a lot that happened was unexpected, and Clayton ended up being a worse person than I thought.
Q: Was your prediction correct?
A: Yes at first because he left the show alone, but I did not predict that he would end up with Susie.
Senior Molly Esque

Esque’s prediction before the finale:
A: Originally I thought Rachel was going to win, but now I think Clayton will go home single.
Q: What has your favorite part of the season been?
A: When Shanae went home and Gabby threw champagne off the terrace of the hotel.
Q: Did you like the finale?
A: The finale really shocked me. I was surprised by Susie coming back to be with Clayton after she rejected his proposal.
Q: Was your prediction correct?
A: Somewhat. I was correct that he’d leave alone but not that he would be single after the Final Rose Special.
Junior Madison Ingram

Ingram’s prediction before the finale:
A: I think that Rachel will win because it seemed like she and Clayton had the best connection.
Q: What has your favorite part of the season been?
A: When they went to Italy, because they haven’t been traveling recently.
Q: Did you like the finale?
A: Yeah, it was very dramatic. I thought it was funny that everyone was crying when Clayton made his pick.
Q: Was your prediction correct?
A: No, but it makes sense that Susie won because she and Clayton also had a really strong connection
Sophomore Ace Hillman

Hillman’s prediction before the finale:
A: I thought that Eliza was going to win originally, but now I think that Clayton likes Rachel the most.
Q: What has your favorite part of the season been?
A: I haven’t liked this season that much. Clayton isn’t a good bachelor, but I liked how crazy the girls were.
Q: Did you like the finale?
A: No, I thought it was overdramatized and more unrealistic than the finale usually is.
Q: Was your prediction correct?
A: No, but I’m not that surprised that Susie won because they were obsessed with each other.
Sophomore Kate Magee

Magee’s prediction before the finale:
A: Initially, I thought it was going to be Rachel, but I think the girls may leave before Clayton can pick.
Q: What has your favorite part of the season been?
A: The two-on-one with Shanae and Genevieve because it was dramatic and Shanae was put in her place.
Q: Did you like the finale?
A: I feel conflicted. What Clayton did to Rachel and Gabby was unacceptable. However, I like Susie.
Q: Was your prediction correct?
A: My prediction was not correct. I didn’t see this coming at all.