Student Council’s Charity Month concluded with an assembly Friday, March 1, raising over $700 for Charity Newsies.
Charity Month project manager and senior Jonah Young said he felt it was important to highlight the work Charity Newsies does.
“The charity was founded locally,” Young said. “They mainly focus on helping children in Columbus with less access to winter clothing.”
Student Council President and senior Alissa Shyshkova said the assembly consisted of announcing raffle winners and pieing teachers in the face. She explained students had the opportunity to outbid each other to be able to pie their teachers.
There was a shortened schedule to accommodate the assembly, which was held in the gym, Shyshkova added.
For the raffle, teachers and seniors offered a variety of goods and services for students, Shyshkova explained.
Young said some teachers gave up their parking spaces for a week or offered to bring Starbucks to a student’s first period class. Tickets for the raffle cost $1 and were sold for a week and a half, he said.
“The raffle tends to be a big part of the profits, and people tend to go all out,” he said.
Shyshkova said Student Council’s Executive Board decided raffle winners would be announced at the new Charity Month assembly instead of at the talent show like last year.
“It made more sense to make a shorter and separate assembly to conclude Charity Month,” Shyshkova said. “We felt that drawing raffle winners at the talent show didn’t encapsulate what Charity Month was because it was a non-charity oriented event.”
Charity Month project manager and senior Olivia Ramsden said Student Council wanted Charity Month to bring the school together.
It was an important fundraising opportunity to get money for charity and raise school spirit, Ramsden explained. The more events there are, the more connected everyone will be, she added.
“It makes Charity Month bigger because we have a lot of events at the assembly we haven’t done before,” she said.
Student Council’s main goal is to raise money for Charity Newsies and hopefully continue the event in the future, Shyshkova explained.
“Most Student Council events are centered around doing fun events for school spirit,” she said. “I think this is a good opportunity for us to give back to the community and do something different and more service oriented.”